OZ magazine 10月号「わくわくするアート旅」にて、collage of words『珊瑚の街に住んでいる』という全3編の連詩を書き下ろしました。(English follows Japanese)
オフィシャルな形で雑誌を切り抜き → コラージュの素材にして → 元の雑誌にまた載せてもらう、というすばらしい循環。東京をテーマにした東京生まれ2人による共作です。よかったらぜひご覧ください。
I wrote a collage of words “I live in a coral city”, a total of three consecutive poems, for the OZ Magazine October issue, “Exciting Art Trip”.
The artwork is by collage painter Ayame Ono.She created a whole six, gorgeous pages.
It is a fabulous cycle of cutting away from magazines in official form → preparing them as collage material → placing them back into the magazine from which they were originally taken. It is a Tokyo-themed collaboration by two people born in Tokyo.
Please have a look.
Comments by sugawarabin