【雑誌掲載のお知らせ】(English follows below)

東京藝術大学 大学院デザイン科(視覚伝達研究室・企画理論研究室)の皆さんが企画編集、取材、デザインを手がけるタイポグラフィの雑誌『MOZ』。vol.03となる今年のテーマは「詩」ということで、表紙と巻頭企画10ページに渡りご紹介いただきました。




『MOZ vol.03』設置場所

・Gallery 手と花・TETOKA(神田)
・NEW PORT(代々木八幡)
・Tokyo Cultuart by Beams(神宮前)
・Snow Shoveling Books & Gallery(桜新町)











2015.12.8 手のなかにどんぐりひとつ、上野公園にて


Announcement of magazine publication

Introductions using typography magazine “MOZ” cover & initial planning.

Everyone at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Design (Visual Communication Laboratory / Planning Theory Laboratory) is working on the planning, coverage and designing of the typography magazine, “MOZ”. The theme for this year is “Poetry”. It will fill 10 pages of Vol. 3, including the front cover and the preface.

My project theme is, “Taking poetry out on the town”. Pulling a letterpress in a hand cart behind me, much like a fruit street vendor, I walk the streets of Yanaka selling poetry. This wonderful magazine is packed with articles covering the unique designing and approaches to poetry by other poets, their plans and interviews.

Postscript (*Taken from this magazine)

If a poet could sell poetry like a fruit street vendor sells fruit, like a baker sells bread. I could offer bargains on single poetry recitations and poems. My notions of owning a “Sugawara Recitation Shop” and my desire to “take poetry out on the town”, were packed onto the bed of a hand cart by everyone in the graduate seminar. If times get tough, I will pull this cart through the streets and sell poetry (seriously).

This poem was composed from two contrasting viewpoints, subjective and objective, on a single event. It is also a tribute to Raymond Queneau’s “Exercises in Style”, an attempt to reflect an entire design of exercises in style by coalescing not only the meaning and context of sentences, but also typography, method of applying ink, method of pressing on the type, etc., etc. I feel that together with everyone from the gradate seminar, we nurtured poetry. Thank you. I imagine that each of you will become a wonderful designer or AD with a firm grip of words. So, to all of you young people with a bright future, it is my hope that you will all discover happinesses, that exceed everyone’s, except my own (I’m just joking).

Dec. 8, 2015 – “An Acorn in My Palm” at Ueno Park
_Bin Sugawara